Monday, June 10, 2013

Elves (Trolls) Support Charters

So, I looked up a synonym for Troll, as many people believe someone with the initials of DR might be, and I found out that the top synonym was Elf. Is it just a coincidence that the acronym for the new group in Los Altos with the apparent goal of spreading FUD prior to the upcoming elections is Each Student Counts (, aka Elves (or Trolls) Supporting Charters?

The leadership group of this "non-partisan team", is comprised of:
Rob Fagen - spent many years at Netflix, home of the influential charter magnate, Reed Hastings
David Roode - a name of infamy to those folks on Facebook who hope to have honest conversations about options, only to be continually undermined by Mr Roode
Jill Jene - a very vocal antagonist of the LASD school board who speaks about the unfair treatment of BCS at most LASD board meetings (funnily enough, I've never heard her speak at a BCS board meeting?!?)

One of the first pieces of FUD released by this esteemed group is the following:
This ALMOST seems compelling, except that it is incredibly thin analysis, and leaves out certain important information, which makes things look a little bit more like this:
In a nutshell, LASD antagonists often complain that LASD is taxing (hence spending) more than comparable, neighboring districts.  When little variables like business taxes, etc are normalized, or accounted for, the picture shows the fabulous job that the LASD team (board, staff, students, etc) are doing with similar or less funding.
Perhaps "Elves Supporting Charters" just mistakenly sent the wrong graph to the town crier?!?

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